Rogowski coil also called differential current sensor, it is a “hollow” circular coil, arranged around the conductor, so that an alternating magnetic field generated by the current induces a voltage in the coil. The coil is actually a ransformer coupled to the conductor under test, and the voltage directly output from the coil is proportional to the rate of change of current, e.g. @50Hz/1kA Vout=85mV, @60Hz/1kA Vout=85*60/50=102mV. If you want to obtain the current waveform or current value that doesn’t matter to frequency also need to add the integral circuit to achieve 90° phase shift compensation and frequency equalization.
RF series is a flexible current sensor based on Rogowski coil principle, which is in small size, light weight and easy to install and offers a choice of different sizes, which can also be customized design of the customer requires a special order. It has no magnetic saturation and a shielding layer to resist the influence of external magnetic field, so stable measurements can be achieved in the range of low current to hundreds of kA. The flexible rogowski coil is an extremely comfortable solution for current measurement,
particularly suited to current monitoring and electrical retrofitting, can be used in many cases where a traditional current transformer (CT) is not available, or can replace it.Systems that use an ADC chips(ADS131M04) or a power metering ICs(ADE7753) that support the Rogowski coil principle are even more advantageous.
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